The Jam Sessions

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Sessions 1- The Asteriod Blues

First Episode! We are introduced to the 'Bebop' a ship owned by by a space bounty hunter named Jet Black. Working with Jet is his partner, a poofy-haired lanky martial artist with a dark past named Spike Spiegel. Together they race across the galaxy, always after the next pile of reward money.

In this episode Spike and Jet arrive on Mars in search of a man named Asimov who allegedly stole a very expensive drug called 'Bloody Eye' from a crime group. Asimov is on the run with his girlfriend and is looking to make a deal to sell off the drug. They find their man, but it looks like the effects of the Bloody Eye will get to him before our bounty hunters do.

Session 2- Stray Dog Strut

The introduction of Ein! Spike and Jet are now targetting a man named Hakim who is on the run after stealing a very valuable briefcase from a laboratory. Unfortunately for Hakim, he doesn't have the case for long when it is in turn stolen from him! The new thief opens the case thinking something valuable and is surprised to find a small dog inside. Then when he tries to sell it to a pet store, he discovers that the dog isn't even valuable, it's a common Welsh Corgi! But Hakim knows the real value of the pooch and is determined to get it back. This results into one FUN chase scene with surprising results!

Session 3- Honky tonky Women

The introduction of Faye Valentine! Faye Valentine, a woman so skilled at cardes she is also known as Poker Alice, is recruited by the owner of a space casino to work a card table when an illegal exchange is to go down. Actually, Faye is forced to help. Due to past circumstances Faye has a MASSIVE debt hanging over her head and she needs the money to help pay it off. This job is just one more debt to resolving her dilemma. A man with a poker chip containing a special chip will exchange it with Faye at the gaming table. But things go wrong when Spike and Jet arrive at the casino on a mission of their own and the chip gets lost. Faye encounters our bounty-hunting duo, and ends up becoming closely acquainted with the bathroom on the Bebop! (don't ask

Session 4- Gateway Shuffle
coming soon...
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